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Version: 1.20.x

Basic Inventory Management

Learn how to access and manage the Curios inventory attached to an entity.


Each entity that has been assigned any number of slot types based on entity registration will automatically gain a Curios inventory, initialized with a sub-inventory for each slot type that has been assigned. This inventory can be used for a variety of purposes, such as finding out which items are held in the inventory or modifying the number of slots that are in each sub-inventory.

The interface for the Curios inventory can be found as top.theillusivec4.curios.api.type.capability.ICuriosItemHandler, which holds all of the methods that developers can use to access and manage the inventory.

Using the inventory

To begin using the inventory, developers will need to grab the instance associated with each entity. The top.theillusivec4.curios.api.CuriosApi class has a getCuriosInventory method that can be used:

LazyOptional<ICuriosItemHandler> maybeCuriosInventory = CuriosApi.getCuriosInventory(livingEntity);

The query returns a LazyOptional as the specified entity may not have a curios inventory. If the result is certain to exist, then the optionality can be disregarded and simplified to:

ICuriosItemHandler curiosInventory = CuriosApi.getCuriosInventory(livingEntity).resolve().get();

Since the method returns an Optional by default, developers will need to make sure to use Optional#ifPresent first in order to check that the inventory actually exists:

CuriosApi.getCuriosInventory(livingEntity).ifPresent(curiosInventory -> {
// code here - with access to the inventory instance that now definitely exists

Once a developer has the ICuriosItemHandler instance, they can use the methods from that instance to interact with the Curios inventory.

Accessing the inventory

As mentioned previously, each slot type assigned to an entity is given a sub-inventory in the Curios inventory to provide easy and categorical access. There are two main ways to interact with these slot inventories, depending on whether the developer wants to access all of the slot inventories or just a particular one.

Accessing the entire inventory

The entire Curios inventory exists as a Map<String, ICurioStackHandler>, with the slot type identifiers acting as each key and the ICurioStackHandler acting as the inventory attached to the slot type. To access this, the getCurios method can be used:

Map<String, ICurioStackHandler> curios = curiosInventory.getCurios();

This returns an unmodifiable map so attempts to change the structure of the map directly through this method, such as adding or removing slot inventories, will not work. Any changes to the structure needs to be done through other methods, this method is primarily for accessing the list of slot inventories on the entity.

From here, developers can either iterate through the entire map:

curios.forEach((identifier, slotInventory) -> {
// code here - with the identifier and slot inventory access

Or developers can access a particular sub-inventory, such as a slot type with the "ring" identifier:

ICurioStackHandler slotInventory = curios.get("ring");

// null check to ensure that the slot inventory exists
if (slotInventory != null) {
// code here

However, if all a developer wants is to access a particular sub-inventory, there's a more straightforward method outlined in the next section that can be used instead.

Accessing an inventory for a slot type

In order to access a particular inventory for slot type, developers can either access the whole inventory as outlined in the preceding section or skip straight to a sub-inventory for that slot type:

Optional<ICurioStackHandler> slotInventory = curiosInventory.getStacksHandler("ring");

The above code will retrive an Optional for the slot inventory with the "ring" identifier passed into the parameter. This is an Optional because the slot inventory being queried may not exist on the entity, which is a possibility that developers must consider because higher-priority datapacks are capable of removing slot types from entities. For that reason, be sure to use ifPresent before accessing the inventory:

curiosInventory.getStacksHandler("ring").ifPresent(slotInventory -> {
// code here - with access to the slot inventory with the "ring" identifier