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Version: 1.20.x


A tutorial on the various commands available through Curios.

Command Guide

plain textEnter this literally, exactly as shown.
<argumentsName>An argument that should be replaced with an appropriate value.
[entry]This entry is optional.


All the commands begin with curios and have the following options:

  • list
    • Outputs a list of slot identifiers, categorized by mod.
  • replace <slotId> <index> <player> with <item> [amount]
    • Places the specified item in the specified slot on the target player.
  • set <slotId> <player> [amount]
    • Sets a number of slots for the specified slot type on the target player.
  • add <slotId> <player> [amount]
    • Adds a number of slots for the specified slot type on the target player.
  • remove <slotId> <player> [amount]
    • Removes a number of slots for the specified slot type on the target player.
  • clear <player> [slotId]
    • Clears the specified slot type of all its items. If no slot type is specified, all curios items will be cleared.
  • drop <player> [slotId]
    • Drops all the items in the specified slot type. If no slot type is specified, all curios items will be dropped.
  • reset <player>
    • Resets the target player's curios inventory to its default slots, also clears all curios items.


  • <player>: player

    • Specifies the player to perform the command on.
    • Must be a player name, a target selector, or a UUID.
  • <amount>: int

    • Specifies the quantity of slots or items.
    • Must be a whole number greater than or equal to 1.
  • <index>: int

    • Specifies the index within the slot type.
    • Must be a whole number greater than or equal to 0.
  • <slotId>: slot_identifier

    • Specifies a slot type.
    • Must be an identifier of a registered slot type.


  • To add 3 "ring" slots to a player:

    • curios add ring Player123 1
  • To place a "minecraft:totem_of_undying" item in the first "charm" slot found on a player:

    • curios replace charm 0 Player123 with minecraft:totem_of_undying 1

Entity Selector Options

Curios has a custom entity selector option to use with commands that target entities, such as @a or @p.

The option starts with curios= and takes in a single CompoundTag as an argument. A blank tag would be curios={}.

Tag Format

The CompoundTag has the following fields:

  • item

    • required: false
    • type: CompoundTag
    • description: Denotes an item to match in the target's curios inventory.
    • Example:
      • curios={item:{id:"minecraft:glass_bottle"}}
      • This will search for a minecraft:glass_bottle in the target's curios inventory.
  • slot

    • required: false
    • type: string[]
    • description: Denotes a slot type to search in the target's curios inventory.
    • Example:
      • curios={slot:["ring"]}
      • This will search for "ring" slots in the target's curios inventory.
  • index

    • required: false
    • type: int[min, max]
    • description: Denotes the indices in slots to search in the target's curios inventory.
    • Example:
      • curios={index:[0,1]}
      • This will search for the first index of each slot type in the target's curios inventory.
  • exclusive

    • required: false
    • type: boolean
    • description: Denotes whether the selector is searching for only one match.
    • Example:
      • curios={slot:["ring"],exclusive:true}
      • This will search for "ring" slots in the target's curios inventory but will not return a match if any other slot type is found in the inventory as well.


The selector option also supports inverting. Placing a ! before the CompoundTag will invert the search. For example, curios=!{slot:["ring"]} will search for targets that do not have "ring" slots in their curios inventory.


  • To kill all players who have a minecraft:glass_bottle in a "ring" slot of the curios inventory:
    • /kill @a[curios={item:{id:"minecraft:glass_bottle"},slot:["ring"]}]