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Version: 1.18.x

Scaling Health

Champions supports increasing champion spawn chances when using the Scaling Health mod.

This allows users and modpack developers to scale champion spawn chances with the difficulty of the region, working with the difficulty scaling configurations in the Scaling Health mod.

Spawn Modifiers

Scaling Health spawn modifiers can be modified through the champions-server.toml configuration file located in the world folder's or the saves/<World Name> folder's serverconfig folder.

#Scaling Health
#List of tiers with numbers to multiply spawn rates by difficulty
#Format: [tier];[percent increase]
scalingHealthSpawnModifiers = []



The modifier will be multiplied by the difficulty rating from Scaling Health and then added directly to the spawn chance for the tier as defined by the champions-ranks.toml configuration file.


  • tier: int
    • Specifies the champion tier of the entity.
    • Must be a valid tier from a rank as specified in the champions-rank.toml configuration file.
  • modifier: float
    • Specifies modifier for the spawn chance increase.


scalingHealthSpawnModifiers = ["1;0.005"]

If the difficulty rating from Scaling Health is 100 and the default spawn chance for a tier 1 champion is 0.2 (or 20%), then the final spawn chance is 0.7 (or 70%):

(difficulty * modifier) + chance = result
(100 * 0.005) + 0.2 = 0.7

Careful consideration will need to be made when selecting modifier values. Be sure to run calculations for each modifier against expected difficulty ratings to ensure the spawn chances do not increase further than intended.