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Version: 1.18.x


All the Champions commands are available through /champions.

Command Guide

plain textEnter this literally, exactly as shown.
<argumentsName>An argument that should be replaced with an appropriate value.
[entry]This entry is optional.


There are three instructions for /champion which are summon, egg, and summonpos.

  • summon <entity> [<tier>] [<affix>]
    • Summons a champion entity.
  • egg <entity> [<tier>] [<affix>]
    • Gives the command sender a spawn egg that spawns a champion entity.
  • summonpos <pos> <entity> [<tier>] [<affix>]
    • Summons a champion entity at a location.

In order to summon a champion with NBT tags, use /summon in combination with the Champions NBT tags.


  • <entity>: entity_summon

    • Specifies the entity to be summoned.
    • Must be an ID of a summonable entity type.
  • <tier>: int

    • Specifies the champion tier of the entity to be summoned.
    • Must be a valid tier from a rank as specified in the champions-rank.toml configuration file.
  • <affix>: [affix_identifier]

    • Specifies an affix to attach to the entity to be summoned.
    • Must be an identifier of a registered [affix].
    • Multiple space-delimited affixes can be specified.
  • <pos>: vec3

    • Specifies the position to summon the entity. If not specified, defaults to the position of the command's execution.
    • Must be a three-dimensional coordinates with floating-point number elements. Accepts tilde and caret notations.


  • To summon a tier 3 champion spider entity with the Enkindling affix:
    • champion summon spider 3 enkindling
  • To give a spawn egg that summons a tier 2 champion skeleton entity with random affixes:
    • champion egg skeleton 2
  • To summon a tier 1 champion zombie entity with random affixes 10 blocks west of the current position of the executing sender:
    • champion summonpos ~-10 ~ ~ zombie 1