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Version: 1.18.x

Game Stages

Champions supports staging champions and ranks using the Game Stages mod.

This allows users and modpack developers to gate certain entities from becoming champions or champions from achieving certain ranks until the configured stage has been unlocked by a nearby player.

A nearby player is considered to be any player within 256 blocks of the entity.


Staging configuration can be modified through the champions-gamestages.toml configuration file located in the world folder's or the saves/<World Name> folder's serverconfig folder.


The configuration file will only generate if Champions detects Game Stages during mod loading. The configuration file will not be present until the two mods have been loaded together.

Entity Stages

Entity stages can be used to gate specific entities from becoming champions until a nearby player has unlocked the required stages.

By default, the configuration is empty.

#A list of entity stages in the format: "stage;modid:entity" or "stage;modid:entity;modid:dimension"
#Example: "test_stage;minecraft:zombie" or "test_stage;minecraft:spider;minecraft:the_nether"
entityStages = []


There are two different formats:

  • stage;entity
    • The specified entity will not become a champion unless a nearby player has unlocked the specified stage.
  • stage;entity;dimension
    • The specified entity in the specified dimension will not become a champion unless a nearby player has unlocked the specified stage.


entityStages = ["first_stage;minecraft:spider"]

A spider cannot become a champion unless a nearby player has the first_stage stage unlocked.

entityStages = ["first_stage;minecraft:spider", "second_stage;minecraft:ghast;minecraft:the_nether"]

The same as the previous example except with the addition that a ghast cannot become a champion in the Nether unless a nearby player has the second_stage stage unlocked.

Tier Stages

Tier stages can be used to gate champions from becoming a specific rank until a nearby player has unlocked the required stages.

By default, the configuration is empty.

#A list of tier stages in the format: "stage;tier" or "stage;tier;modid:dimension"
#Example: "test_stage;2" or "test_stage;3;minecraft:the_nether"
tierStages = []


There are two different formats:

  • stage;tier
    • Champions will not become the rank of the specified tier unless a nearby player has unlocked the specified stage.
  • stage;tier;dimension
    • Champions in the specified dimension will not become the rank of the specified tier unless a nearby player has unlocked the specified stage.


tierStages = ["first_stage;2"]

Champions cannot become ranks of tier 2 or above unless a nearby player has the first_stage stage unlocked.

tierStages = ["first_stage;2", "second_stage;3;minecraft:the_nether"]

The same as the previous example except with the addition that champions in the Nether cannot become ranks of tier 3 or above unless a nearby player has the second_stage unlocked.


  • stage: basic_string

    • Specifies the name of the stage required for this entry.
  • entity: entity_summon

    • Specifies the entity to be summoned.
    • Must be a ID of a entity type.
  • tier: int

    • Specifies the champion tier of the entity.
    • Must be a valid tier from a rank as specified in the champions-rank.toml configuration file.
  • dimension: dimension

    • Specifies the dimension of the entity.
    • Must be a ID for a registered dimension.

Specifying multiple stages for a specific tier or entity will require any nearby player to have all of those stages before the requirements are met.