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Version: 1.20.x

Curios Attribute Modifiers (NBT)

A tutorial on how to edit a curio item's NBT data to add attribute modifiers when the item is worn in a curio slot.


Attribute modifiers used in item NBT for regular equipment slots will not work with curio slots. This is because the attribute modifiers are coded to work only in specific slots, and it will not recognize the custom curio slots. In order to grant this functionality, Curios adds its own method of adding NBT attribute modifiers in items.

The format for Curios is almost exactly the same as Minecraft, so it is recommended to look through this Attribute Guide for extended information about attribute names, syntax, and possible fields. This guide will only go over the differences in Curios.


This is the vanilla way of adding an attribute modifier to the chest slot in an item's NBT:

/give @s netherite_chestplate{AttributeModifiers:[{Slot:"chest", AttributeName:"generic.attack_damage", Name:"generic.attack_damage", Amount:20.0, Operation:0, UUID:[I; 42853, 1689024593, -201178, -1559272105]}]} 1

This is the Curios way of achieving the same in the body slot:

/give @s netherite_chestplate{CurioAttributeModifiers:[{Slot:"body", AttributeName:"generic.attack_damage", Name:"generic.attack_damage", Amount:20.0, Operation:0}]} 1

Note that the main differences are the change from AttributeModifiers to CurioAttributeModifiers and the change in the slot name. The slot name should be the identifier of a registered slot type.

Slot Modifiers

This method can also be used to add slot modifiers, modifiers that can add or remove curio slots. The syntax is the same, the only difference is that the AttributeName should be of the format curios:identifier with identifier being the slot identifier that is being added or removed.

Going back to the previous example, this will make the item add 1 back slot when worn in the body slot:

/give @s netherite_chestplate{CurioAttributeModifiers:[{Slot:"body", AttributeName:"curios:back", Name:"back_modifier", Amount:1.0, Operation:0}]} 1

It is recommended that the UUID be left out except for special circumstances. When absent, Curios will give the attribute modifier a UUID based on the slot context which will prevent any stacking issues that could arise when multiple slots of the same type exist and the same attribute modifier is applied multiple times.