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Version: 1.20.x

Customizing Food Groups

A tutorial on how to edit available food groups and their respective metadata.


Food groups are ways that players can categorize and differentiate the different types of food available to them. Some foods may have one or multiple food groups. Eating food will increase the player's percentage of each food group that is associated with the food item.

Groups are completely customizeable through datapacks, allowing users complete control over which food groups are available and how many are tracked. If you are unfamiliar with datapacks, it is recommended to read through the wiki page in order to understand the concept and structure before proceeding to the rest of this page.


If using one or more of the Built-in Food Groups without changes, this step can be skipped and Customizing Diet Suites can be read instead.


Creating a food group will not automatically make it appear in-game. Food groups need to be assigned to a Diet Suite first and only then will appear when a player has that particular suite of food groups.


The file should be a .json file with the name for the food group to be registered. The name will be used to identify the food group so keep it in mind. This file should be located in the ~/data/(namespace)/diet/groups/ folder of the datapack.

Example: Registering a fruits food group requires creating a fruits.json file located in ~/data/(namespace)/diet/groups/ so the final path should look like ~/data/(namespace)/diet/groups/fruits.json.


The (namespace) field should be replaced by the namespace chosen for this portion of the datapack. If this is a part of a mod, the namespace is usually the mod ID. If this is part of a user-defined datapack, then the namespace can be anything that is lowercased with no special characters.


The structure of the .json file for the food group consists of a top-level JSON object that holds various fields related to that food group.

iconstring"minecraft:air"falseThe registry name of the item used to represent the food group
colorstring"#ffffff"falseThe color, as an integer or hexadecimal string, used to represent the food group
orderinteger1falseThe order the food groups will appear in the Diet GUI, lower numbers appear higher
default_valuedecimal0.0falseThe starting value of the food group, as a percentage, between 0.0 and 1.0
gain_multiplierdecimal1.0falseThe multiplier to how much value is added to the food group when food is eaten.
decay_multiplierdecimal1.0falseThe multiplier to how much the food group decays when hungry.
beneficialbooleantruefalseIf true, the food group is considered beneficial to have in higher amounts.


"icon": "minecraft:diamond",
"color": "#ffffff",
"order": 5,
"default_value": 0.25,
"gain_multiplier": 2.0,
"decay_multiplier": 0.5,
"beneficial": true

This food group will have a relatively high order of 5, which will make it appear lower than most food groups. The icon is represented by the minecraft:diamond item and the food group has a white (#ffffff) color. It will start at its default value of 25% (0.25). Players will gain twice (2.0) as much from eating foods in this food group, and the food group will decay half (0.5) as fast. It is considered beneficial (true) to eat more foods in this food group.

Modifying a Food Group

Existing food groups from other sources, such as Diet itself, can be edited by simply creating a datapack file as shown here with the same name. Diet will load them in order and will replace any pre-existing food group information with newer ones that are found.


Diet natively provides data for a fruits food group, which has a default_value of 0.0. In order to increase the default value to 0.5, create a fruits.json food group file in the datapack with the contents:

"default_value": 0.5

This will replace the pre-existing default value with the new one of 0.5.


The default food groups have in-built translations provided, but custom food groups will need to have their own created.

The key is:

Example translation entry:

"": "Grains"

These entries need to be placed in the localization files of a custom resource pack. For further information about creating a resource pack, please refer to this guide.

Built-in Food Groups

These food groups are built-in to Diet natively and can be added to Diet Suites or individually customized by creating a new datapack file that overrides its contents.

"icon": "minecraft:apple",
"color": "#d41c53",
"order": 0,
"default_value": 0.0,
"gain_multiplier": 1.0,
"decay_multiplier": 1.0,
"beneficial": true
"icon": "minecraft:bread",
"color": "#d4a31c",
"order": 0,
"default_value": 0.0,
"gain_multiplier": 1.0,
"decay_multiplier": 1.0,
"beneficial": true
"icon": "minecraft:cooked_beef",
"color": "#d4781c",
"order": 0,
"default_value": 0.0,
"gain_multiplier": 1.0,
"decay_multiplier": 1.0,
"beneficial": true
"icon": "minecraft:carrot",
"color": "#31d41c",
"order": 0,
"default_value": 0.0,
"gain_multiplier": 1.0,
"decay_multiplier": 1.0,
"beneficial": true
"icon": "minecraft:honey_bottle",
"color": "#ff8fe9",
"order": 10,
"default_value": 0.0,
"gain_multiplier": 1.0,
"decay_multiplier": 1.0,
"beneficial": true